> Hi Floris,
> > the sounds that go in are less loud than normal doepfer vco's
> or noise sources, would it be possible to have those sounds as
> loud as the vco's etc by modding the filter module
> There is a 27k resistor immediately after the audio in 'level'
> pot (between the pot and capacitor C1, but easy to find by
> following the trace from the pot wiper). If you lower this that
> should increase the gain, but (and I'm guessing here) I don't
> suppose you'll get much more than 2x or 3x improvement out of it
> before it goes 'haywire' (I could be wrong!). I suggest trying an
> 18k first, see what effect that has, and if that's OK, perhaps
> try a 10k - lower than that and it's anybody's guess! (Because
> the filter uses digital inverters as amplifiers, these are
> 'biased' by a variety of resistors, and lowering this one may
> have an effect on this biasing which stops the whole thing
> working properly, but without trying it, I can't be sure!)
> Tim
Couldn't explain it better :-)
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer