Thank you, I had a friend with much more knowledge of these components take a look at the chip and he said that since the pin is bent under the chip it was probably still making contact with the socket. The module was working without any problems, so that is a relief.
My next question is regarding the documentation for this module. It says that if I plan on switching from an MN/BL32xx to a MN/BL30xx, I need to change a pair of jumpers. My module does not have those jumpers. Does this mean that my module is incompatible with the MN 3005 chip If so, is there a way to modify the module so that I can switch back and forth between my BL3207 and the MN3005, I also have an MN3206 which also works without any problems.
Thanks again.
--- In
, <yahoo@...> wrote:
> > I have an A-188-1 1024 stage BBD module. I'm replacing the 1024
> > stage BL3207 chip with a 4096 stage MN3005, and I'm wondering
> > about bent pins. On the BL3207 the bottom right most (8th ) pin
> > is bent up, should the same pin on the MN3005 also be bent so as
> > not to make a connection
> >
> > Thanks in advance!
> I habe problems to understand your questions:
> 1. With pin 4 bent up (that's the rightmost pin of the lower row) I'd expect
> that the circuit does not work ! In any case that's not normal. All 8 pins
> of the BL3207 should be connected to the socket.
> 2. The BL3207 uses a small 8 pin case, the MN3005 a large 14 pin case with
> missing center pins. They have to be connected to different sockets on the
> A-188-1 pc board.
> For details please refer to the document on our website that explains how to
> replace the BBC circuit of the A-188-1 module.
> Best wishes
> Dieter Doepfer