If any of you happen to have an A-119 and a microphone, if you
could try the following test for me I'd surely appreciate it before I
buy one:
Connect the mic and get it set up so that a spoken word will fire
a pulse and the amplitude of that will be tracked by the envelope
Now, do a few quick phrases into the mike consisting of rolling
your r's, and fluxuate the amplitude while you are doing it.
Is it possible in this configuration to get clean pulses from each
of the 'tuh' sounds which can be used to fire an envelope and
dirive some sort of changing level from the envelope out of the
A-119 based on the amplitude of the phrase at any given time
Try it as fast as you can do it...are the pulses tracking what you
are doing Is the envelope out tracking it's amplitude
I would surely appreciate it if someone could try this out.
Contimplating an envelope follower for this reason.
thanks in advance,