doh! whoops.. I didn't know I actually had to READ stuff! :)
And yes, I have two TubeHeads... I'll cobble together some examples when I
get home tonight, which won't probably be until your tomorrow.
Florian Anwander (12:15 AM 7/21/2009) wrote:
>Hi Mark,
>you missed a little, but important detail in os's mail:
>"I'm looking for something warm and gritty rather than utter sonic
>So I think, the cgs29 is quite contraproductive. But the paia tubehead
>looks/reads promising indeed. Do you own it I'd be interested in some
>sound examples.
>Mark Pulver schrieb:
>> I _love_ Ken Stone's Wave Multiplier:
>> If you can find one built-up, it's an AWESOME nasty edgy twisty grinding
>> beast of a module with a lot of excellent external control.
>> At $90 the A136 is a good addition and the A137 is as well. But you'll get
>> a TON of mileage out of the CGS29.
>> Past that, if you can find a use for a distortion box outside of your
>> modular, the preamps in all of the Moogerfooger pedals are will push very
>> warm. And, actually, I get a lot of use out of a pair of PAiA TubeHeads:
>> prod=9305HSR
>> Mark
>> -----
>> Os (02:07 PM 7/20/2009) wrote:
>> >Hi,
>> >
>> >can anyone recommend a good distortion/overdrive type module I'm
>> >looking for something warm and gritty rather than utter sonic
>> >destruction.
>> >
>> >
>> >cheers,
>> >os.
>> >
>> >--
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >