Hi all,
Here comes a question regarding a strange muting behaviour of my A-151 Sequential switch.
I have a Precision adder (A-185-2), a Sequential switch (A-151) and two A-110's set up in the top row of an 9HE low cost case.
The CV output of one row of an MAQ 16/3 sequencer is connected to one of the inputs of the Precision adder (switch in "+" mode"). CV values from the MAQ are the distributed by the A-185-2 to both oscillators through the system bus.
I would then like to offset the sequence from the MAQ by using the Sequential switch and connect it into another of the Precison adders inputs.
But when I connect the O/I of the Sequential switch into another input of the Precision adder (switch in "+" mode"), and when there is no input to the Sequential switch (nothing plugged in into I/O 1 through 4), the oscillators go mute! The sound disappears completely.
No CV -> A-151 -> A-185-2 -> System bus = mutes A-110 = no sound!
Could someone explain what is going on