totally agree with the LCD discplay on the A190-3 module.
i think it would be essential for easy navigation and use.
as the A190 wasn't exactly very easy to use...
Bakis Sirros - Parallel Worlds / Interconnected / Memory Geist
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Athens - Greece
--- On Tue, 9/1/09,
> wrote:
Subject: AW: 1 Re: polyphonic modulars
Date: Tuesday, September 1, 2009, 10:55 AM
> dieter's new baby got moved to the end of the year, so that it
> could grow a display and a hole for a computer and get bigger
> (why why why, the original idea was so elegant ).
Many customer suggested ro add a display and USB because of some reasons:
- With the rotary switch one is limited to 6 modes and there is no chance to
add more modes. With the display and up/down buttons more modes (even in the
future) will be possible and the display shows the selected mode.
- Without display there is no change to see the currently selected Midi
channel and reference note
- from our experience USB becomes more and more important because the user
do not want to add an additional USB-to-Midi box
We agree to these improvements and that's why the A-190-3 will be
> dieter, since the original a190-3 was a modified mcv 16, couldn't
> you offer that as a diy module displays and usb connections will
> ruin my image :)
We could offer the MTV16 board with the existing firmware "as it is". But
there will be no updates or bug fixes as I think that most user will prefer
the module with the display and USB interface.
> - quad adsr with separate inputs and outputs but with adsr pots
> common to all four envelpoes. four vc-adsr's gets a tad expensive.
> - ditto for a quad filter, although it's easy enough to control,
> say four multimode filters from one cv source. but again, very
> expensive and very big, although i suppose big is pretty
> inevitable if we're talking about a polyphonic modular.
> - and a quad slew limiter, with whatever buffers are needed to
> make it usable :)
that all reminds me a bit to my PMS (polyphonic modular system) that was
available in the eighties. The system was based on quad modules (quad VCO,
quad VCF, quad VCA, quad VCADSR and so on).
We will offer some more quad modules in the future. The next modules will be
the quad VCLFO and a low cost quad VCA. We also think about a quad slew VC
limiter with separate controls for rise and fall time. And even a quad
VCADSR is on our to-do list.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer
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