The new ones are not 85hp anymore. I have both new and old and the 1HP
panels are not on the newer ones.
On Oct 5, 2009, at 11:37 AM, grimshaw_stuart wrote:
> but the suitcase rack is 85hp!!
> --- In
, "selfoscillate"
> <synaptic_music@...> wrote:
>> yes, odd numbered panel widths is something we
>> really don't need, but that haven't kept harvestman
>> from releasing modules with 15 or 17 hp.
>> anyway doepfer also sells blank panels with 1 te width,
>> so you don't have to buy two of these harvestman modules
>> to fill the 1 te gaps.
>> best wishes
>> ingo
>> --- In
, <david.salter@> wrote:
>>> I tend to agree with Ingo, not really a problem for me. Some modules
>>> from other makers in my system have odd number sized panels like
>>> 15hp
>>> which is a pain - unless you buy two.
>>> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
>>> * * *
>>> * * *
>>> David Salter
>>> Senior Consultant
>>> Thomson Reuters
>>> O +44 (0)20 7542 2402X 52402
>>> M 07990562402
>>> david.salter@
>>> <
>>> P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
>>> ________________________________
>>> From:
>>> [mailto:
>>> On Behalf Of selfoscillate
>>> Sent: 05 October 2009 11:12
>>> To:
>>> Subject: 1 Re: A132-4 Quad Exp VCA/Mixer.
>>> yes, i can see that point, but even some of
>>> the earliest modules had different widths,
>>> like the a110 (10 te). we have to deal with that
>>> since 15 years and it never felt like a real
>>> problem to me. this is, of course, only my opinion.
>>> best wishes
>>> ingo
>>> --- In
>>> <> , "spiralsect" <adam-v@>
>>> wrote:
>>>> You are not alone Florian. I dislike the need to arrange my modules
>>> like a jigsaw puzzle in order to eliminate a 2TE gap. I know you
>>> can get
>>> the small blanking panels but it is an annoying waste of space.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Adam-V
>>>> --- In
>>> <> , Florian Anwander
>>> <fanwander@>
>>> wrote:
>>>>> It seems I am the only person who does not like the
>>>>> diversification
>>> to
>>>>> 4TE, 6TE, 8TE, 10TE. (I'd prefer multiples of "4").
>>>>> Florian
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