Hi Dieter, thanks for your reply. I recall that thread, and indeed I participated in it, convinced that I could help clear up the confusion. Since then I noticed that the description on your web page and in the pdf states that it is indeed an ASR among other things. I don't see how this can be done, but perhaps your idea of restricting it to three stages is the clue. In any case, I'm not sure if you are aware, there is a lot of confusion about this module. I think possibly buyers are unable to sort out what it does and doesn't do, and choose a different module instead. The ASR language doesn't help. It's a shame because it is pretty simple actually and one of the best modules in euro format.
--- In
, <yahoo@...> wrote:
> > Hi folks, why does the Doepfer documentation of the A-152 say
> > that it is an ASR Anyone know
> We had discussion earlier. Please look at the history of messages starting
> with message #17595 in December 2008.
> In many cases (not all) the A-152 can be treated as an ASR. If you use e.g.
> three identical VCOs that are controlled by the three outputs of an "real"
> ASR the result is the same as if you use the A-152 (reduced to 3 steps).
> Best wishes
> Dieter Doepfer