> Hello friends (and Dieter...)
> I have an a124 that doesn't work:
> resonance is audible only after 8
> and the mix on the low pass mode seems not work at all
> I have another wasp filter, and I exchanged the 2 3080 and the
> 1458 and the 4069
> but the result is always the working one, working and the dead
> one, dead...
> are the 2 bc557b picked with special characteristics
> thanks
> antonio
Difficult to make a diagnosis. The next step would be the replacement of the
BC557 (no special characteristics or selection required). And as a last
check I'd take the circuits from the working module to make sure that none
of the replacement circuits is defective. If this does not help the module
has to be sent in for repair.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer