> dieter,
> will the upcoming A-143-4 Quad VCLFO/VCO track accurately enough
> to provide vco's for a polyphonic synth
> thanks,
> stu
The first prototype (without temperature compensation) did not. The pc
boards of the second version (with temp comp) arrived yesterday and we will
built the new prototype during the next few days. Then I will know details.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer
Latest news:
A-177-2 Foot Controller is available now
A-174-2 Wheel module will be available end of November
A-187-1 DSP effects will be available end of December 2009/January 2010
(depends upon the arrival time of the DSP boards)
At NAMM we will probably show (in addition to the modules mentioned above
and the Dark Energy):
A-132-4 Quad VCA
A-143-4 Quad VCLFO/VCO
and may be
A-110-2 Low Cost VCO (details incl. front panel will be added soon to our
web site)
A-1 16 step version of the trigger sequencer with 8 rows
new version of the TKB with capacitive sensors
It depends upon the arrival time of the pc boards and frontpanels if we will
be able to show these prototypes