> I too am very interested by the trigger sequencer... as long as
> it's got 16 steps. The prototype shown on the news page seems to
> be only an 8 steps sequencer (but I may be wrong).
> Thomas
The final version will have 16 steps. We did not manage to built the 16 step
version because we had to ship the NAMM goods in advance to USA to avoid
problems with the security check of the flight baggage. I'd expect some
problems if we take along such "bomb dummies" with our flight baggage. Even
in the last years I had to open my suitcases and to explain the content.
Because of the current situation I wanted to avoid that we have no goods
available at NAMM.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer
P.S. I'll leave at the weekend. Consequently no statements/comments/answers
from me during the next 2 weeks.