Maybe what is needed is a quad waveshaper/wave changer to complement
this module
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David Salter
Senior Consultant
Thomson Reuters
O +44 (0)20 7542 2402X 52402
M 07990562402
david.salter@... <
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On Behalf Of okmog
Sent: 08 January 2010 15:44
Subject: 1 A-143-4 Quad VCLFO/VCO
Hi folks,
I'm also very impressed about the new Doepfer modules, especially the
Quad VCLFO/VCO module. When I look at the huge list of available Doepfer
modules, I think, that there are really enough modules on which you
could do things, you coudn't do with any other synthesizer on the world.
I think, this set of modules for this modular system is complete!
And then comes Dieter and shows us, that this set is still not complete.
;) Nice job!
But can just somebody explain to me, why this Quad VCLFO/VCO hasn't got
a third sawtooth waveform. That makes me a bit unhappy...
Have a lot of fun,
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