> the lower section of my a-156 is just putting out a steady 1.76
> volts. i have the jumper set so the upper section is affected by
> the switches on the lower section, but the lower section doesn't
> work with the jumper in either position. the upper section works.
> any suggestions it was working a few days ago, i don't think i
> did anything wrong to it. thanks very much.
Difficult to find out what's wrong. As the upper section is OK it could be
one of these:
defective OpAmp (TLC274)
defective DAC (TLC5620)
contact problem of the trig in socket: an internal trigger signal is fed to
the switching contacts of the trig in sockets, if this signal is interrupted
because of a faulty switching contact the quantize will stop (if the
quantization works with an external trigger it's probably a problem with the
switching contact of the trig in socket)
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer