>>> THAT2150: planned in new single VCA (probably A-131 third version)
>> I also very appreciate this decision! I would buy one for sure.
>> Do you perhaps already know when this new VCA would be available
> We have a lot of other modules that have to be finished earlier (e.g. the
> TKB, A-132-4 Quad VCA, A-143-4 Quad VCLFO/VCO, A-190-3 poly CV/Gate, A-192-2
> CV/Gate-to-Midi/USB, maybe the pitch to CV/Midi/USB interface) and some
> other modules I have not yet mentioned (Quad VCO with sawtooth core, Quad
> VCADSR, Quad low-cost-VCFLO with only one control and no tempco, Dual VC
> Slope Generator similar to the serge but with different/additional features,
> VCLFO with VC delay time and some more).
That's enlightening enough. In addition to assemble the all the modules you have mentioned, I think one who is not firm with analog electronics can't imagine how much time it takes to fine adjust all those marginally parameters in a circuit, that it work in a useable range.
Yesterday evening it came to me mind, that your DIY synth is educational genius strike.
All the customers who are complaining about the high prizes of analog synthesizers have now the possibility to "learn" why hardware is that expansive. It's not the ICs for the synth, it's the time you need for fine adjustments and mainly the costs for the cases, pots, knobs, switches, and printing, etc.