> Thank you.
> Are there plans to introduce A-100P9 with built in multipliers in
> the empty spaces Those empty spaces look rather large to me. Is
> there a technical reason for this
We showed an A-100P6 with multiples in the empty space at the Musikmesse
2009 but the inquiries were very poor. We had this unit for more than 6
months available for sale on our website in the special list. The additional
charges were only the price of the two A-180 multiples. It took more than
half a year to sell the unit. Finally it was sold to Schneiders Buero in
Berlin if I remember correctly. But even from Schneiders Buero there were no
subsequent orders. We also discussed a combination of multiples and
attenuators (e.g. half an A-183-1 left and right of the A-180). But with
such poor inquiries it does not make sense to manufacture the A-100P6 or P9
with this option. Sorry.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer