are you sure you connected the A110 correctly to the busboard (redstripe down on the doepfer busboard) and is the module end of the ribbon connected correctly to the a100 pcb too (red stripe to the -12volts mark)
if yes, describe the patch you created in detail.
Bakis Sirros - Parallel Worlds / Interconnected / Memory Geist
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--- On Tue, 2/23/10, stevebdar <
> wrote:
From: stevebdar <
Subject: 1 Another Newbie Question: Is my module dead
Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2010, 4:40 AM
I installed all the Doepfer modules in my new case, along with my 2 Livewire modules. Everything seems to work properly except when I try to use my VCO A110. If I add a plug to it, all the lights on the other modules turn off.
Does this mean the module is dead
Steve B
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