> The following Doepfer_a100 poll is now closed. Here are the
> final results:
> POLL QUESTION: Would you buy the Doepfer A160-2 divider module
> with Uneven (Odd) clock divisions
> - Yes, and i would prefer the one with all divisions /2 /3 /4 /5
> /6 /7 /8 /9 (8 outputs), 13 votes, 26.00%
> - Yes, and i would prefer the one with only odd (plus the /6
> division) divisions /3 /5 /6 /7 /9 /11 /13 /15 (8 outputs), 21
> votes, 42.00%
> - maybe...., 9 votes, 18.00%
> - No, not interested., 7 votes, 14.00%
Dear Members,
thank you for the poll. I think we will manufacture a version with a
three-position toggle switch than can be used to define the division set,
i.e. three division sets will be available. All we (or better said: you)
have to do is to decide which three division sets are available :-)
As it's not a very challenging design (rather a routine piece of work) I
think it could be realized soon. We will built a prototype and then ask for
the desired dividing factor sets.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer