> > Does the input of the A-119 accepts 48v
> > Thanks
> > Simon
> No. It's limited to -12V....+12V. You have to add an attenuator (e.g.
> A-183-1).
Perhaps he's thinking about phantom powered mics
If I'm guessing correctly and you are dealing with mics then what
you'd want to do is preamp the mic to a line level and then do
whatever routing and mixing you need at line levels. You can read up
on phantom power with some web searching, in a nutshell many but not
all pro mics need 48v (at very low amperage) going *into* them or
they won't function. You need some device to supply the phantom
power. You could use a stand alone preamp or a mixer strip channel
with it's own insert connection to pull the signal from. The preamp's
line out won't be 48v! You can power a mic needing phantom power
with a box that just does phantom power but you'll have mic level out
and I'd think it might make your concept work better if you deal with
only unbalanced line level signals.