For sale in fine condition:
Doepfer A110 VCO price 65% of new, 129.35 usd
Doepfer A167 Comparator, price 65% of new, 48.75 usd
Analogue Solutions VU-01 (long out of production!) 92 euros (that was roughly its original price).
Info on this vu meter module here:
payment via paypal only.
Add 10 usd per module for shipping, plus 3% paypal fees.
Please, contact me off-list.
Bakis Sirros - Parallel Worlds / Interconnected / Memory Geist
1 group owner
www. parallel - worlds - music. com
www. myspace. com/ parallelworldsmusic
www. myspace. com/ interconnectedmusic
www. myspace. com/ memorygeist
www. DiN. org. uk
www. musicamaximamagnetica. com
www. vu-us. com