> Is there, or will there be a [support] forum for the DIY kit
> Administrated or not by Doepfer.
> If there isn't, anyone considering it
> And...
> Why is there no initial gain on the VCA
> cheers,
> _g
We have no plans for a DIY kit forum. And I have to point out that the DIY
snth board is not planned for beginners. Electronic experience is required
to make a working synth from the board.
Take a look at the (preliminary) manual of the DIY synth (www.doepfer.com >
NEWS > DIY Snyth > manual). Here you will find the information that for all
CV and audio inputs even the summing nodes are available (not only the usual
CV inputs with weighting resistors). This allows to expand the number of CV
our audio inputs. This is valid also for the CV input of the VCA. You may
add e.g. one control for initial gain, one for ADSR modulation, one for LFO
modulation and even an external control input is possible.
Another remark concering the initial gain of a VCA: we had a lot of troubles
with the initial gain control of the Dark Energy . A lot of units were sent
back to us our our dealers/representative for repair. All had the same
"fault": they generated a permanent tone. The customers overlooked the
initial gain control as it's not a very common feature. In the meantime we
added a corresponding remark in the user's manual and on our website (FAQ
page). But nevertheless now and then "faulty" Dark Energy units are sent
back because of this feature.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer
P.S. I'm not in the office from tomorrow (March 30,2010) until Easter. So I
will not be able to answer to questions in this forum.