Damn you, Bakis. I'm an old PPG fanatic (as well as Waldorf freak),
and NEED wavetable oscillators.
In short, you've just cost me money, as I HAD to order an A112 after
reading your message. I was hesitating until now.
Damn you (in the best possible way).
--- In Doepfer_a100@y..., bakis Sirros <synth_freak_2000@y...> wrote:
> hi list,
> the a112 it's not just a sampler,it a wavetable
> oscillator!!!you can load wavs to it and it then can
> play then in 256 parts(their order is voltage
> controlled!)and the sample-playback rate is voltage
> controlled.you can make wavetables in the computer and
> then load them to the a112.so,it is a wavetable
> osc.AND an 8-bit sampler.i have three of them and use
> them for low-fi sounds and effects.if you use the
> lo-fi delay mode you can make some very good
> soundscapes with it too...you can use it in "monitor"
> mode as a bit decimator module(like on the nord
> modular module) and pass all your a100 sounds thru it
> to make them sound really destroyed!very good!
> bakis.