I agree with ringmod, I always use the buffered A185 instead of
multing pitch CV. Works great.
--- In Doepfer_a100@y..., "ringmod45" <ringmod45@y...> wrote:
> hi paul, you may want to try using the A185 bus access module for
> driving the 1/oct inputs of the roland 100, instead of multing for
> greater accuracy. it has buffered outputs and different jumper
> settings for more accurate cv and gate distribution.
> check this url for more info,
> A Systems and A Solutions both have different versions of the same
> idea which may suit your fancy better. good luck.
> regards,
> RM
> --- In Doepfer_a100@y..., "vcovcfvca2002" <paul.mennes@y...> wrote:
> > Hello there
> >
> > thanks to the people who answered my posting.
> >
> > I have a question: being new to the Doepfer A100 (System 2, with
> > Midi), what connections should I make between an old Roland System
> > 100 and the Doepfer so I can use the Doepfer on it's own
> midichannel
> > in Cubase, and use the Doepfer to make the System 100 midi on a
> > separate channel Can this be done Or do they end up on the same
> > midichannel If that is the case, how do I interface the System
> > and the Doepfer so that I can use the oscillator from the System
> 100
> > on the Doepfer
> >
> > Thanks in advance!
> >
> > Paul