> Does anyone know how to adjust the slight difference of
> intonation between e.g. Doepfer A-110 oscillator compared to a
> moogerfooger oscillator (e.g. in the freqbox) If I tune it at
> the lowest pitch it gets gradually out of tune going up a couple
> of octaves.
> I have the same problem with my old micromoog vs the A-110. (but worse)
> Also - the S-trigg signal is inverted on the moog and at a higher
> voltage (12v I believe),
> I want to control my Doepfer A-100 system via micromoog and and
> an oscillator via the freqbox...
> Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
The A-110 adjustment is described in the service manual:
www.doepfer.com > PRODUCTS > A-100 > modules overview > A-110 > service
But as the A-110 are adjusted to 1.00V/octave in the factory I'm not sure if
it's a good idea to change the adjustment because then they will be no
longer compatible to 1.00V/octave CV sources (e.g. A-190-2).
To invert the gate/trigger module A-165 can be used or a S-trig cable as
described on the FAQ page of our website.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer