> I have 3 A-190-2's chained - and I've noticed that when
> playing chords, the notes on the second and third 190-2
> are occasionally incorrect. Sometimes it just flips to the
> first note. The 190-2 is receiving correctly - the 'learn'
> light flashes on, and the notes trigger (ADSR, etc), but
> the pitch is out.
> I've stripped my system back to just A-190-2's and A111-5
> (voice module), and each 'voice' is on its own separate
> bus.
> The effect is actually quite pleasing, but it would be nice
> to get it working right. Putting together a polysynth is
> quite tricky :)
> Ian.
Maybe this behaviour is due to the working principle of the stack mode. In
stack mode the A-190-2 transmits all Midi note data that are not processed
by the module, i.e. the note message that is used to generate the CV/Gate of
the module is not forwarded to the midi output, all other note messages are
routed to the output. It depends upon the exact chronological sequence of
the midi notes of the chord how the midi notes are assigned to the three
A-190-2. Even if you play the keys apparently at the "same time" the three
midi notes are sent one after another and the sequence is not the same every
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer