I believe the TipTop Audio rails are suitable too. You can get them from AnalogueHaven I think.
Over at the MUFF Forum there is a thread about making DIY racks with an IKEA shelf and those rails.
--- In
, "mcetilia" <m@...> wrote:
> hello all,
> i'm in the process of creating a custom a100 frame
> and am trying to find the appropriate mounting rails --
> on the doepfer site, it says that:
> The metal parts of the standard frames used in the A-100 are manufactured by the German companies ProMA (www.proma-technologie.de) or Gie-Tec (www.gie-tec.de). If you want to built your own frames or need additional accessories you may order directly from ProMa or from an electronic shop (e.g. Conrad, Reichelt, Buerklin in Germany, or Mouser in USA).
> but i'm not having any luck finding them at mouser (i'm in the usa)
> perhaps i'm just not searching using the correct terminology
> if anyone could help point me towards where i could get some mounting rails
> (just the rails themselves, and preferably in the us), i'd appreciate it immensely!
> cheers,
> mark