The way my mind works, there's three kinds of modules that you add
to your "shopping list" as you're going along:
Scale-up modules: more VCOs, VCFs, ADSRs, LFOs. I'd be adding a
third oscillator to fatten up the sound and get rid of phase
cancellation if I were you, A110, 111, 112, take yer pick.
Likewise, a third ADSR would give you dedicated VCO, VCF and VCA
envelopes when you need them, and if you make the third envelope an
A141 you'll have voltage control in the bargain. A second VCA provides
all sorts of options - AM sidebands, panning, midi volume, and patch
layering to name a few. And you just can't have too many LFOs.
After you get a nice big fat "voice", the next scale-up is to a
second complete voice for duophonic work, or for "patch memory".
Eat-your-vegetables modules: My rule of thumb would be one A180
multiples and one A138a linear mixer, smack in the middle of each
row for "fan-in" and "fan-out". An A132. One A175 invertor and one
A176 CV source, a pain to convince yourself to buy, but once you have
them you'll be glad you don't have to kludge these functions anymore.
Needed and wanted modules: Every time I'm was in the middle of a patch
and discovered that I needed the Axxx to make that patch work, I added
it to the shopping list. Likewise, the other modules mentioned in each
of the Doepfer user's manual are usually there for a reason, they tend
to be useful in conjunction with the module being described. This
category also includes the modules that you lust for. The A119, A136,
A155/156, A191 are some of my favorites, but everyone is different on
this topic.
I used to have about 50% audio modules and 50% CV modules, but my A155
sequencer row changed that proportion to more like 40% and 60%. I
wonder what other folks' breakout is like
--- In Doepfer_a100@y..., "ethanzer0" <ethanzer0@y...> wrote:
> Hello,
> I own a A-100BS Suitcase and have
> been very pleased with it. I am
> about to buy another batch of
> modules and find myself having a
> little trouble deciding what to
> purchase. I know I am going with
> a G6 frame, but, other than that
> I can't decide. Should I get any
> A-111s Are they worth it How
> about the A-112 I find my self
> leaning more toward CV and CV
> processing stuff rather than
> oscillators or other sound sources.
> Can anybody suggest what they would do
> to compliment an A100BS Suitcase
> Thanks,
> Ethan