It's probably a bit obvious but if you "AND" the output of the comparator with the sequencer clock signal then put it through the A162 you can obtain triggers from adjacent steps not just the start of each positive gate transition.
--- In
, Bakis Sirros <synth_freak_2000@...> wrote:
> hi list,
> while reading the Reaktor 5 manual, another simple, but nice, application of the A167 Comparator module came to me:
> you can easily use it as an extra ('independent') gate channel for your A155/154 sequencer, (or for your A160, a161 plus a138 simple sequencer setup).
> just patch one cv row of the a155, (or the out of the a138 if you have the simple a160,a161,a138 sequencer patch) to the input of the a167 and you have an extra gate channel coming from the 'comp out' of the a167.
> you set the threshold on the a167, and above this threshold, cv values of the a155, generate gates.
> you want triggers just patch an A162 after the A167.
> simple and useful.
> btw, if you have other nice ideas about useful applications of 'rather obscure' A100 modules, bring them on! let's make this group useful!
> best regards, :-)
> Bakis.
> Bakis Sirros - Parallel Worlds / Interconnected / Memory Geist
> 1 group owner
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