Hola David,
Welcome to the group!
I am a bit confused as well because in the video you reference there's no
mention of the A-152. I will therefore refer only to your question regarding the
From the description on YouTube he is sequencing the notes with the A-160/161
combi. Now, these modules won't give you the ability to sequence note values as
such. It is a trigger sequencer and input as well as output are trigger signals.
With the help of a device that changes voltage values (a mixer as per the
Doepfer handbook) you can then derive contiunous voltage signals from a trigger
input and thus sequence notes. I am not familiar with the Plan B M14 but from a
quick glance at its specs it serves a similar function as a mixer (such as the
That being said the patch is very sophisticated and I don't presume to have
thoroughly analyzed it. There is much more going on than just a simple sequence.
Hope this helps,
From: deividnb1 <
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2010 21:43:22
Subject: 1 Confused with A-152
Dear Group members,
I really like the youtube videos of boobtube356, especially
http://www.youtube.com/watch v=K--8fMVl7Ck
I am very confused, because he seems to have no sequencer, and I don't know
understand how he is triggering the different notes... I suppose it has
something to do with the A-152 mentioned in the description, but I have no idea
how it works. I have read the description on the doepfer page, but now I am more
Can anyone tell me if it is, in fact, this module doing the stuff How does it
do it If it isn't... How is he doing it
I need someone's help... I cannot sleep at night...
Besr regards,
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