You might wanna start with the correct URL
On 26 Oct 2010, at 17:26, Synthomaniac wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Just thought I'd announce my entry into synth hardware production which is designed to complement the excellent Doepfer A-100 products. Initially aimed at you experimenters and constructors - this is only for those who know how to design and build electronic circuits. All is explained on my blog with a few nice pictures.
> http://synovatron/
> I hope it's of interest to all Eurorack fans who are not frightened of a soldering iron and scope. I am also going to provide professional looking front panel overlays as a low cost service so you can say goodbye to those horrible dymo tape legends. See the photo on my blog.
> It's stll early days yet and I will have more detail on the blog in a few weeks once the kits are ready to go. Thanks for your indulgence. Please contact me via the blog or directly for more info rather than jam up this group with queries.
> Thanks all
> Tony