Thanks Bakis, nice idea.
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David Salter
Senior Consultant
Thomson Reuters
O +44 (0)20 7542 2402X 52402
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On Behalf Of Bakis Sirros
Sent: 28 October 2010 13:45
To: Doepfer_a100 group
Subject: 1 simple idea regarding the A148 S/H module.
ok, this is super obvious, but, anyway:
why not have your S/H output random voltages in irregular timing too
so, connect your S/H source (say a vco triangle wave) into a comparator
and connect the comparator output to the sync input of the vco (or the
reset input of the a145 lfo) that is clocking the S/H. now the clock of
the S/H is synced to the S/H voltage source. now you have a series of
staircase voltages (or random if you input noise to the S/H) with
irregular timing of the voltage steps as well, somehow related to the
S/H output voltages. got this idea from the 'weird' sync feature of the
S/H section of the Korg PS-3100.
Bakis Sirros - Parallel Worlds / Interconnected / Memory Geist
1 group owner
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