For those who's grain is gone against with the idea of a digitally
based delay: Keep an open mind!
I mean this with the greatest respect - please don't read any
email anger here, there is none. My whole point being however
for some things, a digital heart is far superior for both sonic and
control possibilities - reverb, delay and flanging among them.
Not to mention envelope generators and other complex CV
If anyone doubts the quality of, let's say, a digital reverb - have
listen to TC Electronics' 6000 - it's utterly amazing. Of course, it's
$12,000 USD for a single unit!
But there are other far less expensive alternatives for
incorporating micro p's and DSPs (OK, i said it) in analog
Imagine a polyphonic oscillator which would respond to both
MIDI AND analog VC. Or a 5.1 panner, or a trigger/voltage to
midi converter which would allow not only full control of any midi
instrument, but would enable a user to record events on a midi
sequencer such as Cubase. WIth digital, the possibilities are
-- In Doepfer_a100@y..., Stinchcombe Timothy
<tstinchcombe@q...> wrote:
> Hi Florian (again!)
> > > I bet you ONLY reason Doepfer has not produced an
analog VC
> > > delay is the main part needed to do so, the bucket brigade
> > > is now obsolete and in very short supply worldwide.
> > This is basically true. But a BBD delay would not be the only
> > available
> > technology.
> Again, what other technologies are you thinking of here A
digital delay probably goes against the grain with some people,
so the only other thing I can think of off the top of my head would
be a tape loop!
> Tim
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