yes, a vca before the a136 helps a lot indeed.
a dynamic signal fed into the a136 in general
gives best results.
Bakis Sirros - Parallel Worlds / Interconnected / Memory Geist
1 group owner
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www. vu-us. com
--- On Thu, 11/11/10, selfoscillate <
> wrote:
From: selfoscillate <
Subject: Re: FW: 1 a New month of modular patching ideas...
Date: Thursday, November 11, 2010, 2:25 PM
> regarding the a136, a116, use them before the filter module, after the osc's (pretty obvious i know).
i recommend to use a filter or a vca/mixer/attenuator
in front of the a136 (especially when the filter lowers
the amplitude of the signal). the a136 is very sensitive and
has no attenuator at the signal input. if your input signal
is too hot (like an unattenuated mix of vco waves) you
will probably just get square waves out of the a136.
not that this would sound bad, but it will not show the
real capabilities of the a136. modulating the signal amplitude
before the a136 can be more interesting than modulating the
settings of the a136 itself. two filters are even better,
one before and one after the a136.
by the way, the cv inputs of the a136 also don't have
attenuators (the corresponding knobs are disabled when
a plug in inserted into the cv inputs), so an external
attenuator is the best friend of the a136.
best wishes
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]