jesus, do you have a phone number i could call, i am interested but would
like to talk with you. if you want to call me its
423 340 0202
On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 5:21 PM, cuari7 <
> wrote:
> Yep, it is growing steadily, but continues to have a voracious appetite for
> more components. "Feed me, Seymoure!!" it roars.
> To keep it from devouring me or my family, I need to acquire more
> nourishing modules, and to fund this noble cause, I need to sell more stuff.
> I have a Roland V-drum set in mint shape. It is somewhat like the TD-9SX
> except it has the TD6V voice module, otherwise it has exactly the same type
> of drum heads, cymbals, hi-hat, kick and rack. Single-foot kick pedal is
> included. See this link so you'll better understand what I am describing:
> sku=491359
> I am asking $1200 plus s/h, USA only.
> Contact me at gretchenDOTlipkeATcomcastDOTnet
> thanks!
> Jesus Diaz
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