speaking of res loops (rs120)..
i was playing around w the res loop on an AS rs110 last night
when suddenly a patch i made caused the audio to go away and
not come back by undoing the patch. i patched an a140 output to
the resonance loop's input (nothing connected to res loop's
output.) and 'blip', out goes the signal. i thought i had a bad
cable or jack, traced the signal problem to the filter, it had
stopped passing audio, was 'locked up'. that is, until i wiggled
the freq knob on the rs110, then the sound came back w a
screech. i assume the filter went into self-oscillation at an
inaudible freq when i plugged in the a140. anybody know if is
this harmful either way, anybody know more about possibly
harmful patches
i'm generally a plug-anything-to-anything experimentor but this
has me wondering if it's possible to abuse a circuit to death.