> Can anyone tell me if there are plans to give the Dark Time
> the facility to retrigger the LFOs on the Dark Energy
> Will there be information available above the technicalities of this
> I'm not looking to get a Dark Time though.
> My idea is to modify a DE so that the LFOs can be retriggered.
> Either by the gate, or by the triangle wave output of the main oscillator.
> I'm considering that an analog switch chip would be suitable to short
> the jumper pins that are provided for this reset.
> I'd put an additional socket on the DE for a re-trig input (or
> rather it would just be a switch for the LFO unless I used a
> more complex circuit)
> Any suggestions as to which switch chip to use ( I figured an NC switch)
> and whether it's possible to power to chip from some onboard voltage
> from the DE.
> Any other DE modders around
> thanks
> andy butler
There are no plans for a LFO reset feature. The reset circuit would be
larger than the LFO circuit itself (which is nothing but two opamps). It's
not only an electronic switch that shortens the capacitor of the LFO. You
also have to make sure that the LFO starts after the capacitor discharge
alwas into the same direction (usually rising slope of the triangle).
Otherwise the LFO starts randomly after the discharge.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer