Doepfer: a111 VCO - $249, a112 Sampler/Wvtbl - $220, a164-1 Manual Gate
- $49, a190 Midi/cv w/5v adptr - $189, a100 psu-1 (650 ma) new
$55, a199 Belton Spring Tanks (2) - new @ $10
Harvestman Tyme Sefari in box $259, Hertz Donut in box $325
Livewire Audio Frequency Generator serial # 002 - $350, Dalek
Modulator - $200
BugBrand Board Weevil in box $139
All are in excellent condition. Modules w/screws. U.S. only - post &
ins. additional check or M.O. preferred
Thanks - Bill in PA
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