Hi Florian. Yes I connected CV Note from A-190-2 to A110 CV1.
I think I had plugged the A190-2 the wrong way the first time I plugged it into the power bus board, and might damaged the unit. It seemed to be working fine, as it was receiving midi messages and activating the A110 both from the CV1 and pitch bend from CV2. But the gate output problem and out of tune scale indicated there is something wrong really. Maybe I will be necessary to buy a new one.
Thank you for the kind attention.
--- In
, Florian Anwander <fanwander@...> wrote:
> Hi Sidney
> > I also notice that the VCO doesn't make a tonal scale sound as I press notes from the keyboard. For example, if I press a C3 then a C4 on the keyboard I hear another interval instead of an octave. I kept the system turned on for more than 20 minutes as I read it needs some time to make it get in tune.
> How do you connect the CV from the A190 with the VCO It should be the
> CV1-Input!
> All this sounds like the D/A converter is trimmed completely wrong.
> Did you buy the System new, or is it a used system
> Florian