Nevermind... I found a detailed datasheet on the chip. The VCO should
respond to voltages that will sweep it x octaves, 10<x<11. So the midi/cv
converter is the one with 5 octaves of range. Works for me!
On Sun, Feb 6, 2011 at 1:46 PM, Monroe Eskew <
> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am wondering about the CV tracking range of the dark energy. I was just
> about to buy one but want to make sure it's right for me. I read a
> description of the CEM3394 and it said that the VCO accepts +/- 4V. I'm
> sure the input is divided by some factor before being fed into the Curtis
> chip, but is the range still limited The description says the CV1 on the
> back outputs 0 to 5V. So do you run into a CV ceiling if you are using a
> large keyboard and toggling the octave switch and the tuning pot, i.e. you
> cannot go more than 5 octaves above the center pitch
> Thanks,
> Monroe
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