> Dieter, the explanation on page 11 (and fig.2) of the A-154 manual
> refers to the use of two A-155 modules. What I want to do is run a 16
> step sequence from one A-155 module.
> On page 11 it's written: "it is possible to generate sequences of up to
> 16 steps too if two trigger rows resp. 2 CV rows of the A-155 are
> switched with an A-150 (for details see user examples)" but if you go to
> the User Examples page 12 it says "not yet ready"!
> So please could you explain how a single A-155 can be made to run a 16
> step sequence using an A-154 and A-150
> Thanks,
> Matt
Sorry for my misinterpretation.
Connect the upper I/O2 socket of the A-150 e.g. to Trig3 and the lower I/O2
socket of the A-150 to the second CV Output.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer