Hi Monroe.
In fact I was looking for something similar to what Florian explained, working like a Korg Mono-Poly, because I could use the filters, VCA and ADSR modules from my system, just needing to add more oscillators in order to achieve a polyphonic system.
Anyway, both ways explained by you and Florian would make a fantastic polyphonic system.
But can two or more 111-5's filters or envelopes be synced in some way, so for example if I make a filter movement on one of the 111-5 will the others follow
--- In
, Monroe Eskew <monroe.eskew@...> wrote:
> If you want to control the volume of each note independently you need one
> VCA and one ADSR for each voice. You can get away with one filter at the
> end, but usually there is a filter in each voice.
> I would recommend 4 A111-5 modules. That's all you need.
> Monroe
> On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 10:30 AM, Sidney <sidney_honi@...> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hello. I am very interested about the possibilities of the A-190-5
> > Polyphonic Midi-to-CV/Gate Interface. Does anybody knows if four oscillators
> > controlled by one Midi channel, could be connected to a A-138 B mixer module
> > and this output connected to a single filter and ADSR envelope to make a
> > complete polyphonic system Or would I need a filter and adsr and vca per
> > voice
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Sidney.
> >
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]