Fredrik schrieb:
> Hello
> I can play a regular scale fine, but not tune it to other synts.
> So its the R5 change then
There is the internale trimmer P6, which is intended to set the basic
center tuning.
* unscrew the A110 from the rack
* pay carefully attention, that the PCB of the module does not touch the
frame (to avoid short cuts )
* connect your MIDI CV interface to the CV In1 of the A110, and the
audio out of A110 to a monitoring system/mixer
* reassure that no other CV is fed to the A110 or the internal cv-bus.
* power up the A100
* set the tune-potentiometer on the front panel of the A110 to center
* feed the MIDI of an external Synthesizer with MIDI into the
MIDI-CV-Interface of the A100.
* Play a C on the external Synthesizer.
* Now listen to your external Synthesizer and the A110 and set the A110
with P6 to be in tune with the external synth.
* Switch off the A100
* remount the A100 to the rack.
* you are done.
If you want to increase the range of the Tune potentiometer anyway, then
add a 470k Resistor parallel to R5