i own my doepfer system for about 1.5 years (it is a small system
with only 3 rows; it will be stocked up to 4 rows soon)
does anyone use the a104 trautonium filter or the a127 vc triple
resonance filter
I'd like to do some formant synthesis, but i don't know which
of those filter is the better one; four bandpass filters, which you
can easily change into lowpass filter or three bandpass filter with
the possibility of cv (or integrated lfo's) and single
outputs.... did anyone try to upgrade the a127 by using external
switches for the possibility to select between low and banpass filter
(like the a104) i think that it would be not very difficult to
connect a switch to each jumper.
which modul do you think sounds better, the a104 or the a127
maybe someone can make a short demo file...
thanks a lot,