Hi Florian,
Your Formant: you still play it
Doepfer: I already suspected that. Doepfer is one of the real diehards.
--- In
, Florian Anwander <fanwander@...> wrote:
> Hello Nino
> > Decennia ago I started building the Elektor Formant.
> > This alas never came to a good end.
> > Sadder, but also wiser, I just made the first steps of building a Doepfer A-100 system.
> >
> > I hope to learn and share a lot!
> Welcome to the mail list!
> The Formant was my starting point too (and mine still is alive). BTW:
> The first products from Dieter Doepfer (in 1980) were modules intended
> for the Formant.
> Florian