I only have A100 modules, but I was under the impression that the
sliding inner rails in the Doepfer mounting rails can easily be
adjusted to accomodate the mounting holes in non-Doepfer modules
(assuming the entire row is RS Integrator or Concussor modules).
It this correct
--- In Doepfer_a100@y..., "Paul Schulz" <dasfonk@w...> wrote:
> Hey Flamey/ Zameer,
> the incompatibilities between Doe. and ASys is not about the
mounting rails, but the rails you screw your modules into the frame.
They are not part of the mounting rails and have to be bought
separately, by the way. For combining ASys and Doepfer you can cut
them into parts, or go the cheaper way: Use nuts which fit the module
screws and can be put into the mounting rail.
> I´m sorry, but I can´t give any information about the number/ name
of the mounting rails. I checked Conrad´s website (www.conrad.com)
today, but their search engine is crap. But (once again... I know,
guys), check your favorite store for electronic components. The better
ones offer those rails and other stuff you can make cases of (like
blank faceplates; rails; upper, bottom and side walls).
> Paul
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: flamey101
> Subject: 1 Re: Metal blank panels
> ...do you maybe have a model name/number for the mounting rails
> So I can order that right away
> Also, I currently have both Doepfer (controls) and Analogue
> (audio) modules. I've read there are some incopatibilities
> both of the mounting rails (had something to do with the panel
> or something ), but I can use the same mountingrails for them
> (let's say 1 3U of the case all AS and all of the rest Doepfer).
> Greetings, Zameer..
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]