--- In
, <yahoo@...> wrote:
> > I wrote to Dieter Doepfer re A-123. His answer was that demand
> > for the A-123 was too low so he quit producing them from a
> > business point of view, regretting it himself as he thinks a 24
> > db high pass is very important, too.
> >
> > Sooooo, Dieter are you listening :-) I would like to see a new
> > poll on whether this group thinks there should be a filter module
> > with or including (multimode) a 4-pole high pass output (or even
> > 6-pole, too, like Cwejman ).
> > It surely would not be with a CEM3020 chip like A-123 as those
> > are no longer made unfortunately.
> >
> > kind regards from Cologne
> > J.
> From my point of view it does not make sense to redesign a product that has
> been cancelled earlier because of the poor sales. The A-123 was discontinued
> long ago before the CEM3320 ran short (i.e. the A-123 cancellation had
> nothing to do with CEM3320 supply problems). The discontinuation of the
> A-123 was announced about 2 years before the last A-123 module was sold. The
> announcement of the discontinuation did not change the sales (which were in
> the range of 2-3 modules per month and it took about 2 years to sell the
> last 30-35 modules).
> I ask for your understanding and maybe a new poll will convince me. But I
> don't think so.
> Best wishes
> Dieter Doepfer
i'd like to have a highpass filter which is even steeper than 24db.
maybe something like a 36db or even 48db highpass will create
more interest but i don't know, i find virtually every module
interesting and i generally love highpass filters ;)
best wishes