> Success! I solder-tacked a little wire as you said on the unit
> that didn't have the solder blob, and it works! Thanks again.
> No, I don't suspect that the modules left Doepfer in that
> condition -- it might have been something that happened with the
> U.S. distributor at that time, Douglas Wagner of Omaha, Nebraska.
> Great, two problems solved. Now if anyone can help with my other
> query (in another thread), how to modify a 148 S&H to allow it to
> be triggered by the gate output of the 164-1 .... it is strange
> that these modules aren't compatible.
> Thanks again, James!
> Ernst
I'm glad to hear that most of the problems have been solved during the
weekend :-)
The answer concerning the A-164-1 modification can be found in your first
email from Sunday 24th 6:02;
> solder a pull down resistor (about 100k) between
> GND and the A-148 input. The resistor can be soldered directly to the
> corresponding terminals of the socket on the bottom side of the A-148 pcb.
> The 100k resistor connects the A-148 input to GND when the button of the
> A-164-1 is not operated. Then the AC coupling capacitor of the A-148 is
> discharged as necessary. I have tried successfully an 100k resistor but
> sure that any other value in the range 47k ... 220k should do the job.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer