actually, i would not want to modify my A190, as i want to be able to use it for my (countless) 1 volt/oct needs too. a converter module, as i suggested, would be best...
go Dieter!
Bakis Sirros - Parallel Worlds / Interconnected / Memory Geist
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--- On Wed, 8/17/11,
> wrote:
Subject: AW: 1 simple Midi for Buchla or a 1volt/oct to 1.2volts/oct euro module!
Date: Wednesday, August 17, 2011, 3:53 PM
> hi all,
> i have, so far, 4 buchla vco's (one 259e, one 261e and two 258v).
> i so would want to be able to play melodies (or create a 4 voice
> pad!!) with a simple cheap midi interface for the Buchla 200e...
> i really don't need to buy the (expensive and space demanding)
> 225e... (and btw, for midi CC to cv conversion, there are already
> many midi to cv interfaces/modules in the market already...)
> so, my question is simple:
> why anyone does not make a simple euro format module (Doepfer ),
> that would transform a standard 1volt/oct cv/gate signal (coming
> from any midi to cv intefrace) to a Buchla type cv/gate signal.
> (meaning: a 1volt/oct output to a 1.2volts/oct output and a
> simple 5-10volts gate to the special combined trigger+gate Buchla
> type signal!).
> that would be so easy to do for a euro modules manufacturer!
> make one of these simple modules, please, (it would be a dual
> unit in only 4HP!! as it only needs 8 minijack sockets for a dual
> unit!) and i'll buy two of them!
> i am sure many other Buchla users have also some eurorack, and
> would easily buy that cheap module to convert their standard
> midi-cv interfaces into a Buchla type midi to cv!
> or an alternative:
> a simple midi to cv interface for Buchla's
> 1.2 volts/Oct (and its special gate/trigger signals) standard, either as
> a stand alone box, or as an Eardrill modulemodule submodule
> make it happen!
> best regards, :-)
> Bakis.
The CV of our interfaces (A-190-X) can be modified very easily to
1.2V/octave by replacing some resistors by other values. For some of the
modules the 1.2V maybe even within the adjustment range but I'll have to try
it out first.
And the additional trigger signal is nothing but a capacitor connected to
the gate if I'm not wrong. If someone has details about the Buchla style
gate/trigger please let me know. I could not find anything in my records.
Then I can decide how much effort it is to offer such a module. But I'm a
bit cautious: in the past we offered a special version of the MCV4 for EMS
synthesizers (0.32V/oct and EMS style gate/trigger). We sold less than 20
over a period of more than 3 years.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer
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