Great. This is exactly what I needed. Thanks.
--- In
, James Husted <james.husted@...> wrote:
> Typically you use a A-100BC cable (
) to connect the two busses together. This also connects the left and right sides of each bus together. You can also connect the two bus boards with a standard 16-pin power cable. Just connect it between 2 unused headers (one on each bus). BEWARE- Make sure you have the orientation correct on the cable before powering up the unit otherwise you risk blowing up your power supply.
> -James
> On Aug 23, 2011, at 11:13 PM, Zoƫ Blade wrote:
> >> Is this true for the second row in a standard mini system. Or do I have to make a connection. I have no oscillators plugged into the second row but just would like to know my options for the future.
> >
> > As far as I understand, each row's bus is separate by default, but it's super-cheap to buy a cable that links them together in the middle. See page ten of the complete manual:
> >
> > Hope that helps,
> > Zoe.
> > --
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