> The gate level of the A-190-3 can be changed to +12V internally. For this
> the jumper on JP10A (behind the CV1 socket, labelled "GATE 5V JP10A") has to
> be removed and installed to JP10B (behind the 16 pin bus connector, labelled
> "GATE 12V JP10B").
> The trigger is just a capacitor (nothing but the simple high pass on the
> A-100 DIY page). Or you may use an A-162. But that's a bit "overstyled" for
> this simple application.
Wow, thank you for such detailed advice! I've bought an A-183-3 on Bakis Sirros's advice, which seems simpler as I'll sometimes need +5V and sometimes +12V, and it'd be nice to not open up the module each time... But may I say this is the best tech support I've ever received! :)