SUCCESS!!!! and a bonus......
made the adjustment, and everything is lined up nicely now. also i discovered an unexpected bonus: i had also mentioned that tuning discrepancy between the Dark Time MIDI & CV outputs - the tuning knobs on the 110s don't have quite the range to get wider intervals (such as 5ths), again probably due to the power supply issue, but i found i can use the Time's tuning offset to advantage, controlling one of the 110s from the Energy's CV out and the other from the Time's CV out. with the wider octave settings on the 110 the offset is enough to get very effective high 5ths (the Energy itself can tune down a 5th, but only up a 4th). very cool!! "It's not a bug, it's a feature!"
thanks again for all your help Dieter!
From: christian ienni <
To: "
" <
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: AW: 1 Dark Energy/Time/A110 tuning discrepancy
Ah! Enlightenment. ^_^
Seriously, though, many thanks! after i sent the email it did occur to me that it probably had something to do with power supplies. since those 2 110s are dedicated to the Energy i will definitely make the adjustment you describe. (and sometime i will try connecting the Energy to the big A100 just to see, though i have a feeling you're absolutely right about it.)
any thoughts about the other issue: the difference in the tuning between using the Time's MIDI vs. CV outputs it's not a big deal (it doesn't affect the usability at all for me), i'm just curious if it's intentional or a glitch. (maybe this is a question for Christian Assal )
Again, stupendous thanks!
(ps- total non sequitor, but thanks for turning me on to GusGus! "Over" is now stuck in my brain, and i just purchased "Arabian Horse" and recorded the audio from the live perfromances on youtube. beautiful and minimalist - love it!! and Earth... wow! ^_^ )
From: "
" <
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 1:31 AM
Subject: AW: 1 Dark Energy/Time/A110 tuning discrepancy
> hi all!
> just curious about possibly anomalous behavior i've noticed... in
> addition to my A100 rig, i also have another separate keyboard
> setup that includes a "micro-modular" system based on a Dark
> Time/Energy combo expanded with 2 mini-cases of modules,
> including 2 A110 oscillators (more portable than the 5 G6 racks
> ^_^ ). I have the Time controlling the Energy over MIDI, with the
> CV1 output of the Energy controlling the 110s. the problem is the
> tuning on the 110s is offset from the tuning on the Energy: with
> the Energy's VCO tuning knob at 12 o'clock (which is in tune with
> MIDI, i.e. root key is "C"), the 2 110s have to have their tuning
> pots turned almost fully clockwise to be in unison tune with the
> Energy. this is a consistent offset even when i change control to
> all 3 running from the CV out of the Time instead of the MIDI
> control (Time->CV->Energy & 110s instead of
> Time->MIDI->Energy->CV->110s), though that adds the additional
> separate phenomenon that root pitch on the Time is also off: i.e.
> root "C" is when the Time's knobs are at approximately 12 o'clock
> instead of full counter-clockwise as when i use MIDI (again this
> is a completely separate issue from the 110 tuning offset
> phenomenon - this also makes MIDI key control into the Time
> offset as well, i.e. i hit a "C" on the MIDI keyboard and the
> Time outputs CV for a lower "F#" or so). note: when the 110s were
> part of the big A100 their tuning consistency was fine (12
> o'clock=unison), so it's not the 110's fault.
> maybe the CV out calibration on the Energy is a little off and
> maybe the Time also
> just curious if anyone else has noticed such behavior, or if it's
> isolated to my particular units.
> i hope i made all that as clear as possible :-) as i said it's a
> couple totally separate issues:
> 1) tuning offset between Energy & 110s
> 2) tuning offset difference between Time MIDI out vs. Time CV out)
> that then interact to create a compounded dysfunction. thanks in
> advance for any comments or advice.
> Be Seeing You!
> --chris
The problem is probably caused by the simple power supply used in the A-100
miniature cases. The standard power supplies of the "big" cases is adjusted
to exactly +/- 12.00V. The power supply built into the A-100 miniature cases
uses simple voltage regulators (7812, 7912) that cannot be adjusted and have
some tolerances (typ. +/- 11.5 ... 12.5V). As the absolute pitch of the
A-110 is affected by the supply voltage this is probably the reason why the
tuning of the A-110 is a bit off the Dark Energy. If you own an A-100
standard case (A-100G6, A-100P6/P9, A-100LC6/LC9 or any monster case) you
may try this out. I'd expect that the A-110 is in tune with the Dark Energy
when it's powered by one of these cases.
But there is a simple solution: adjust the trimming potentiometer P6 (VCO
offset) on the A-110 board so that the A-110 is in tune with the Dark Energy
VCO (i.e. with the manual frequency controls at the front panels of both
units in center position). Details on our website: > PRODUCTS > A-100 > Module Overview > A-110 > service
If you only touch P6 nothing can go wrong. But do not change the position of
any other trimming potentiometer.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer
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